Senate Resolution against Clean Water Protections Puts Polluters before People

WASHINGTON (September 18, 2015) — Senate Republicans have launched a concerted effort to repeal the Clean Water Rule, introducing a resolution under the Congressional Review Act, which allows faster consideration of Congressional efforts to block regulations.

The Clean Water Rule, issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers earlier this year, would restore protection under the landmark Clean Water Act to streams, wetlands and other bodies of water that feed into drinking water sources and help prevent flooding.

The following is a statement from Jon Devine, a senior attorney in the Water Program at the Natural Resources Defense Council: 

“It is appalling that the Senate Republicans would try to deprive more than 100 million Americans of their right to safe drinking water, and defeat the protections that ensure clean water for our recreation and wildlife.  EPA’s Clean Water Rule is the result of extensive stakeholder outreach, is based on peer-reviewed science, and is supported by the vast majority of Americans who commented on the proposal. Although this particular attack will fail, thanks to the public and the President’s strong support for the Clean Water Rule, it reveals that Congressional Republicans care more about defending loopholes for developers and other polluters than finding solutions to ensure clean water supplies. It’s a clear signal that clean water will be attacked again and again, unless Americans tell Congress to back off.”

The Clean Water Rule restores critical protections to waters that help supply one in three Americans with clean drinking water. It has broad support from public health officials, small businesses, members of the faith community, outdoor sporting groups, and environmental organizations. The Senate GOP’s resolution would nullify the rule and prevent EPA from protecting critical rivers, streams and wetlands that could improve water quality for millions of Americans.


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