Senate Vote to Block Clean Power Plan Shows GOP’s Lack of a Climate Plan

WASHINGTON (November 17, 2015) – The Republican-led Senate today is expected to repeal the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan, which sets first-ever limits on carbon pollution from power plants  – our best available tool to combat climate change.

The following is a statement by David Doniger, director of the climate and clean air program at the Natural Resources Defense Council:

“The GOP leadership has no plan to address dangerous carbon pollution and is hell-bent on blocking any progress on the central environmental challenge of our time. This resolution faces a certain veto if it reaches President Obama’s desk, and the Republican majorities do not have the votes to override that veto in either the House or the Senate.

“With the international community poised to take unprecedented steps to combat climate change, it’s time for climate deniers to stop trying to block responsible leaders from protecting our health, our planet and the future of all our children.”

See NRDC Climate Campaign Director Pete Altman’s blog on this issue:


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