Two-Thirds of Californians Want New State Emission Limits;
Support for Action Cuts Across Party Lines

SAN FRANCISCO (July 26, 2006) -- A new statewide survey shows strong public support for historic California legislation to set concrete limits on global warming pollution. Supporters of Assembly Bill 32, "The Global Warming Solutions Act," say the survey by the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) sends a clear signal to lawmakers in Sacramento that constituents throughout the state and in both parties are deeply concerned about a problem which they believe threatens not only the environment, but the whole way of life in their communities.

"Californians are ready to lead the world in solving global warming," said Ann Notthoff, California advocacy director for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). "The Global Warming Solutions Act is a sensible way to cut emissions and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, while creating a clean energy job boom in the state's economy."

According to the PPIC survey, 66 percent of likely voters support the proposed legislation to reduce California's global warming emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. Nearly half (49 percent) say global warming is a "very serious" threat to the state's economy and quality of life; another 30 percent believe it is a "somewhat serious" threat. The sense of urgency is so strong that voters want their elected officials in Sacramento to act independently of Washington. Californians rank global warming as more important than at any time since the institute first started asking about it in June of 2000, according to PPIC.

"Clearly global warming is the issue of our time," said Karen Douglas, Director of the California Climate Initiative of Environmental Defense. "AB 32 is the solution to the global warming threat. We must act now to pass the Global Warming Solutions Act -- our health, our families, and our way of life depend on it."


Assembly Bill 32 -- The Global Warming Solutions Act -- by Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez (D-Los Angeles) and Assemblymember Fran Pavley (D-Agoura Hills) would set the nation's first statewide limit on emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases that cause global warming. It would require a 25 percent reduction in global warming pollution by the year 2020 compared to business as usual. It would require state agencies to coordinate investments and programs to reduce global warming pollution, and to promote economic growth by encouraging the deployment of emissions reduction technologies.

AB 32 is part of a package of bills that will reduce global warming pollution and put California on the path to a new energy economy. Other bills introduced in the Legislature include: Senate Bill 1368 (Perata), which will require any new commitments to electric generation serving California to meet a minimum standard in terms of global warming emission levels; SB 1250 (Perata) to authorize continuing state investments in renewable energy and research and development; and AB 2021 (Levine) to ensure that all electric utilities maximize cost-effective energy efficiency.

More information about The Global Warming Solutions Act and global warming impacts on California is available online at