Two Years after BP Gulf Spill Disaster, More Remains to be Done

NRDC’s Beinecke: “We Must Make Energy Exploration Much Safer.”

WASHINGTON (April 17, 2011) --- Members of the National Oil Spill Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling issued a report today marking the two-year anniversary of the disaster.

The following is a statement by Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, who served as a BP commission member.

“Two years on, much remains to be done -- by industry, by Congress, by the administration. We must make energy exploration safer, much safer, even as many are rushing headlong to embrace an 'all of the above' approach. That's as true for the Gulf of Mexico as for our frontier waters of the Arctic.”

Read more at Frances Beinecke’s blog:

The BP commission, appointed by President Obama, disbanded last year, after delivering its report and recommendations. Since then, the seven commissioners have formed the Oil Spill Commission Action to monitor the government’s and the industry’s progress in implementing their recommendations.

Visit for background on this follow-up effort as well as the commission’s original report and related materials.