Upton-Inhofe Bill to Block EPA Protections Threatens Health

Pro-Industry Plan Would Allow Politicians to Interfere with Science

WASHINGTON (March 3, 2011) – The latest proposal to cripple the Environmental Protection Agency, unveiled by Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), is bad for our health and bad for the economy, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.

The following is a statement from David Doniger, policy director of NRDC’s Climate Center:

“This proposal to block the EPA from updating health protections is only the latest example of an overreach by some lawmakers. They could not be more out of touch with the American people, as a panoply of recent polls demonstrate. No one who cares about our health, the health of the economy and the health of our planet should support this bill.”

Several NRDC blogs outline poll results proving that Upton’s own constituents do not support this bill.

Read about them on Climate Campaign Director Pete Altman’s blog here:


and here: