U.S. Chamber Launches Distortion Campaign on Keystone XL Pipeline

NRDC: It's Time to Come Clean with the American People

Washington (January 12, 2012) – The following is a statement by Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, in response to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s disinformation campaign on the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline:

“We welcome the Chamber to the debate. But, instead of perpetuating Big Oil's myths, let’s all square with the American people on what the pipeline will do — and will not do.

“Rather than bringing us energy security, it will transport dirty Canadian oil through America's heartlands--for delivery to China and other countries. Rather than bringing us prosperity, it will leave us with a legacy of poisoned lands and waters. All for, at most, 100 permanent jobs?

“That’s the Faustian Bargain the U.S. Chamber and TransCanada would foist on the American people. And it's the ugly truth that no well-funded industry campaign can hide.

“No wonder the oil industry and its allies are clamoring for a decision before a fair and thorough assessment can be conducted of the very real concerns about the pipeline’s impacts on our health and safety.”

See NRDC blogs on the Keystone XL pipeline at: http://switchboard.nrdc.org/keystonexl.php