Clean Energy Powers Local Job Growth in India

Increasing energy access, clean energy development, and job creation are national priorities for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government. As India faces rising fuel prices, threats to energy security, and the impacts of climate change, renewable energy offers a critical solution. India’s solar and wind programs have already catalyzed remarkable growth. In just four years, India’s solar market has grown more than a hundredfold, exceeding 3 gigawatts (GW) of installed solar energy. India recently increased its 2022 grid-connected solar energy target by five-fold to 100 GW from 20 GW. India is also the world’s fifth-largest wind energy producer, targeting 60 GW of wind energy by 2022. With 250 GW of total installed energy currently and a need for much more power, scaling up solar and wind energy projects can power India’s economic growth and create jobs.

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