Practical Ways You Can Spark Change

Learn how to become a savvier consumer and an effective environmental and public health advocate with these toolkits and how-tos.

Viewing 1 - 4 of 4

How You Can Stop Global Warming

How-ToUnited StatesMelissa Denchak

Healing the planet starts in your garage, in your kitchen, and at your dining room table.

Green Your College Dorm Room

How-ToEmily Deanne

Want to make your life on campus more eco-friendly? Stand up for our climate with these simple tricks to conserve power, water, and food.

Green Your School

How-ToUnited StatesCorey Binns

Eight ways to help your district’s students and parents be better environmental citizens.

Green Your Office

How-ToUnited StatesMelissa Denchak

10 tips for reducing your carbon footprint at work