Practical Ways You Can Spark Change

Learn how to become a savvier consumer and an effective environmental and public health advocate with these toolkits and how-tos.

Viewing 21 - 40 of 60

Green Your College Dorm Room

How-ToEmily Deanne

Want to make your life on campus more eco-friendly? Stand up for our climate with these simple tricks to conserve power, water, and food.

How to Combat Weeds . . . Gently

How-ToUnited StatesJillian Mackenzie

Natural solutions like mulch, cover crops, vinegar, and a little elbow grease will help keep the chemicals out of your garden—and your body.

Green Your Halloween

How-ToUnited StatesClara Chaisson

Five ways to indulge your sweet tooth and your spooky side without a whole lot of waste or frightful chemicals.

Green Your School

How-ToUnited StatesCorey Binns

Eight ways to help your district’s students and parents be better environmental citizens.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Most of All, Reduce.

How-ToUnited StatesMelissa Denchak

Try incorporating these small tweaks into your routine. You’ll throw out less trash, and help fight climate change at the same time.

How (and Why) to Be a Seed Savior

How-ToNancy Castaldo

You can help rescue the planet’s diminishing agrodiversity . . . even if you’re more of an eater than a grower.

How to Raise an Environmentalist

How-ToJordan Davidson

Kids have a natural connection to the earth, as well as a drive to heal it. And that may be our saving grace.

Green Your Coffee Habit

How-ToJillian Mackenzie

Our guide to buying greener beans, brewing with less waste, and avoiding all that packaging.

Climate Change Is In the Air

How-ToUnited States, JacksonMolly M. Ginty

As rising carbon emissions boost smog and pollen production, even breathing can be a challenge. Here’s what you can do to help clear the air.

How to Be an Eco-Friendly Pet Owner

How-ToUnited StatesLiz Krieger

Caring for your pet while caring for the planet is about more than buying recycled toys and organic dog food.