Practical Ways You Can Spark Change

Learn how to become a savvier consumer and an effective environmental and public health advocate with these toolkits and how-tos.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 115

How to Lower Your Energy Bills in Any Season

How-ToUnited StatesAshley Leung

From weather-stripping windows to using the right fan settings, these simple tips can reduce your electricity costs—and keep your family comfortable all year-round.

How to Protect Yourself from Lead-Contaminated Water

How-ToUnited States, Newark, PittsburghCourtney Lindwall

Residents of many cities continue to face high levels of this toxic metal in their drinking water supplies. Here’s what to do if this crisis affects you.

Como protegerte del agua contaminada con plomo

How-ToUnited States, Newark, PittsburghCourtney Lindwall

Los residentes de ciudades como Pittsburg y Newark continúan sufriendo de altos niveles de plomo, un metal tóxico, en sus fuentes de agua potable. Te informamos qué hacer si esta crisis llega a afectarte a tí.

How to Survive a Flood

How-ToUnited StatesShelia Hu

Be prepared for the next major storm by planning ahead and staying vigilant when floodwaters arrive.

The Energy-Efficient Home Makeover

How-ToUnited StatesJenny Shalant

No demolition required. A few small tweaks to each room could dramatically shrink your carbon footprint.

Easy Ways to Save Energy at Home

How-ToUnited StatesAmanda MacMillan

Small steps can add up to big reductions in your electricity use—and your utility bill.

How You Can Stop Global Warming

How-ToUnited StatesMelissa Denchak

Healing the planet starts in your garage, in your kitchen, and at your dining room table.

Cómo mantenerse a salvo del humo de los incendios forestales

How-ToUnited States, WestAlisa Opar
Respira más fácilmente con estos consejos para elegir la máscara protectora adecuada, mantener la calidad del aire interior, reconocer cuándo evitar actividades al aire libre y saber quién está en mayor riesgo.