Practical Ways You Can Spark Change

Learn how to become a savvier consumer and an effective environmental and public health advocate with these toolkits and how-tos.

Viewing 21 - 40 of 118

Cómo mantenerse a salvo del humo de los incendios forestales

How-ToUnited States, WestAlisa Opar
Respira más fácilmente con estos consejos para elegir la máscara protectora adecuada, mantener la calidad del aire interior, reconocer cuándo evitar actividades al aire libre y saber quién está en mayor riesgo.

How to Stay Safe From Wildfire Smoke

How-ToUnited States, WestAlisa Opar

Breathe more easily with these tips on choosing the right protective mask, maintaining your indoor air quality, recognizing when to avoid the outdoors, and knowing who is most at risk.

Cómo solicitar una subvención federal discrecional

How-ToUnited StatesMikyla Reta, Sasha Forbes, AICP
Sigue estos consejos para ayudar a tu comunidad a acceder a subvenciones de justicia medioambiental y otras oportunidades de financiación de infraestructuras ofrecidas por el gobierno federal.

How to Apply for a Discretionary Federal Grant

How-ToUnited StatesMikyla Reta, Sasha Forbes, AICP
Follow these tips to help your community access environmental justice grants and other infrastructure funding opportunities offered by the federal government.

Learn to Spot Greenwashing

How-ToUnited StatesCourtney Lindwall
It’s tricky to separate flimsy promises from what’s actually environmentally friendly. We can help.

How to Protest Safely

How-ToUnited StatesCourtney Lindwall

Taking to the streets is a way to both lift our spirits and to effect real change. But before you head out, read these tips on how to stay vigilant, protest respectfully, and keep your community’s safety in mind.

To Vote Early, Start Here

How-ToUnited States

Your state probably allows early in-person or absentee voting. What are you waiting for?

How to Vote by Mail or with an Absentee Ballot

How-ToUnited StatesCourtney Lindwall, Stephanie Valera

Here’s everything you need to know to securely vote from home, from registering to tracking your ballot’s delivery status.

Protect Your Community from “Bomb Trains”

How-ToUnited States, Gibbstown, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, PhiladelphiaNicole Greenfield, Amanda MacMillan

Trains carrying highly explosive fossil fuels barrel through unsuspecting communities every day. Is yours one of them?

Cómo proteger a tu comunidad de “trenes-bomba”

How-ToUnited States, Gibbstown, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, PhiladelphiaNicole Greenfield, Amanda MacMillan
25 millones de estadounidenses residen a lo largo de rutas ferroviarias que transportan crudo -- ¿te encuentras entre ellos? Infórmate aquí sobre tus opciones y derechos.

How to Shop for Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs

How-ToUnited StatesLauren Evans

Old incandescent bulbs can cost you more than $100 per year in wasted energy—which costs the planet as well. Do the earth a favor and invest in new, energy saving light bulbs.

Fighting Phthalates

How-ToUnited StatesShelia Hu, Olivia Koski

These harmful chemicals are lurking in countless products, but companies don’t have to tell us which ones. Follow these tips to reduce your exposure.

Freeze More. Waste Less.

How-ToUnited StatesDana Gunders

Your freezer could be the secret to keeping ingredients fresh, saving money, and reducing food waste.