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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 341 - 360 of 466

Just-for-Show Hearing Won’t Stop Clean Energy and Climate Action

Press Release
WASHINGTON – In response to today’s Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing on the implications of the Supreme Court ‘stay’ of the federal Clean Power Plan, David Doniger, director of the Climate and Clean Air Program at the Natural…

New Analysis: Electric Sector on Track to Meet Clean Power Plan

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Market forces and newly extended federal incentives are driving an unprecedented growth in clean energy that is creating good jobs, reducing harmful carbon pollution and helping the United States transition from dirty fossil fuels to clean power, according…

Court Action May Speed up Resolution of Clean Power Plan

Press Release
WASHINGTON (May 16, 2016) –The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit said today that the full court will hear oral arguments on the Clean Power Plan on September 27th, 2016. A three-judge panel had been…

New Reports: India is Open for Clean Energy Business

Press Release
NEW DELHI, INDIA – India’s goal to dramatically ramp-up solar and wind energy capacity could get a major boost through two fast-growing financing innovations—green banks and green bonds—according to new analysis released by the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency in…

Ohio Energy Freeze Extension DOA

Press ReleaseChicago
CHICAGO, IL – A spokesperson for Ohio Governor John Kasich said legislation to extend the renewable energy freeze through 2019 was likely “unacceptable” to Kasich as it was still “kicking the can down the road,” according to reporting by Gongwer…

Mexico Should Adopt Overdue Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions Standards

Press Release
WASHINGTON (March 29, 2016) – Leading U.S. and Mexico clean air and health advocates today urged the Mexican government to stand up to polluters and finalize long-delayed heavy-duty vehicle emissions standards, critically needed to address the country’s harmful air pollution…

Obama Budget Sets Priorities to Continue Progress

Press Release
WASHINGTON (February 9, 2016) – President Obama today submitted a budget proposal that would double funding for clean energy research, create a $1.65 billion fund for infrastructure projects to lessen the impacts wrought by climate change, impose a $10-per-barrel tax…

Clean Power Plan Will Prevail on Legal Merits

Press Release
WASHINGTON (February 9, 2016) -- The Supreme Court today blocked implementation of President Obama's Clean Power Plan, pending litigation in the lower courts over a challenge by the coal industry.

U.S. Supreme Court Decision Great News for Consumers and the Environment

Press Release
WASHINGTON (January 25, 2016) — The U.S. Supreme Court today upheld the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) authority to design rules and incentives that allow electricity customers to get paid for reducing consumption during periods of high energy demand. The…