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Midwestern regional issues

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Power sector, transportation and vehicles, renewable energy, nuclear power

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+86 10 5927 0688
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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 1361 - 1380 of 1550

Clean Power Plan Poses No Problems for Electric Reliability, New Report Says

Press Release
WASHINGTON (February 12, 2015)—A new consultants’ report says the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan to cut climate-altering carbon pollution from power plants should pose no problems for maintaining the reliability of the electric grid. The report for the Advanced Energy…

NRDC Welcomes Debate on Need to Curb Carbon Pollution, Combat Climate Change

Press Release
WASHINGTON (February 11, 2015) – At a hearing of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee today, Sens. David Vitter (R-La.) and John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) accused the Natural Resources Defense Council of exerting undue influence over the Environmental Protection Agency’s…

Do It Faster and Cheaper: NRDC Response to Ameren’s Carbon Report

Press Release
CHICAGO (February 11, 2015) — Ameren released a report today highlighting their potential response to the historic Clean Power Plan to reduce carbon emissions from the nation’s electric generating sector. Following are comments in reaction From Rebecca Stanfield, Midwest policy…

President Will Veto Congressional Keystone XL Interference Bill

Press Release
WASHINGTON (February 11, 2015) – The House today gave final congressional approval to legislation that would force approval of the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, sending the measure to President Obama who already promised to veto it. Danielle Droitsch…

Interior Secretary Announces Drought Funds for Smart Water Investments

Press Release
SACRAMENTO, CALIF. (February 6, 2015) – United States Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell today announced $50 million in drought funding to support much-needed smart water investments throughout the state. Despite today’s storm, all signs indicate that California is entering…

Bipartisan Poll: Pennsylvanians Embrace Clean Energy & Climate Action

Press Release
WASHINGTON (February 5, 2015) – A strong majority of Pennsylvanians want the state to chart its own climate and energy destiny by crafting a state-based plan to meet new federal limits on dangerous carbon pollution, a new bipartisan poll reveals…

Green Leaders Urge President to Ban Bee-Killing Insecticides

Press Release
WASHINGTON (February 5, 2015) — Top officials of leading environmental groups representing millions of Americans today urged President Obama to take strong and swift action against neonicotinoid insecticides that are devastating honey bee and wild bee populations, threatening the nation’s…

House Again Votes to Weaken Health, Safety, Environmental Protections

Press Release
WASHINGTON (February 4, 2015)--The House once again today voted to weaken environmental, health, safety and consumer safeguards for the public by approving the Unfunded Mandates Information and Transparency Act, which would impose layers of bureaucratic red tape on the laws…

Bipartisan Poll: Virginians Embrace Clean Energy & Climate Action

Press Release
WASHINGTON (February 3, 2015) – New bipartisan public opinion research reveals that strong majorities of Virginians support federal action to curb dangerous climate pollution and increase investments in clean energy, and the vast majority want the state to initiate its…

NRDC Airline Scorecard: First-ever ranking of Airline Biofuel Use

Press Release
SAN FRANCISCO (February 3, 2015) – Air travel emits more than 650 million metric tons of carbon pollution annually – equivalent to the pollution from 136 million cars– making the increased use of sustainable biofuels a critical to reducing the…

EPA Paves Way for President to Reject Keystone XL Pipeline

Press Release
WASHINGTON D.C. (February 3, 2015) – The Environmental Protection Agency today published its comments on the State Department’s analysis of the environmental impact of the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. Danielle Droitsch, Canada Project director at the Natural Resources…

President's Budget is Important Step for Public Health, Environment

Press Release
WASHINGTON (February 2, 2015)—President Obama’s new budget proposal would start closing the books on a sad chapter in recent U.S. history, in which Congress slashed investments in our parks and other natural resources – while depriving the Environmental Protection Agency…

Keystone Bill Deserves Veto

Press Release
WASHINGTON (January 29, 2015) – The Republican-controlled Senate today passed legislation to force approval of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, a bill that will be dead-on-arrival at the White House. But the weeks-long, misguided congressional attempt to usurp presidential…