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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 1 - 20 of 45

NRDC Report: How Retailers are Selling Forest Destruction 

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON — U.S. retailers are failing their customers and the planet by selling toilet paper, paper towels, and other goods sourced from climate-critical forests, according to a new NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) report. Selling the World’s Forests details how…

U.S. and Kenya Partner on Climate and International Financial Reform 

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON — President Biden today hosted President Ruto of Kenya for a State Visit to announce strengthened commitments and cooperation on climate, debt reform and other priority issues. President Ruto is elevating the leadership from both Kenya as well as…

U.S. and China Agree to Step Up Action for Climate

Press ReleaseInternational, United States
WASHINGTON - The United States and China have come to agreement, after extensive dialogue, on how to collectively meet major climate targets in the coming decades.

DOE Announces Industrial Decarbonization Program Award Recipients

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) unveiled today the selected projects for its Industrial Demonstrations Program, a $6 billion initiative funded by the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to spur the deployment of game-changing decarbonization technologies…

SEC Financial Disclosure Rule is Good for Investors

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON – The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted today to issue a new rule requiring companies to disclose financial risks related to climate change.

Biden Administration Signs Off On Low-Carbon Materials for 150 Federal Projects

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON — Today the General Services Administration (GSA) announced $2 billion in investments for clean materials in federal construction projects. This initiative advances commitments made a year ago to accelerate Buy Clean efforts within the GSA and Department of Transportation…

NRDC: EPA’s Power Plant Carbon Standards Are Essential

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency is on the right path with its proposed standards to cut carbon pollution from power plants, according to comments environmental groups will submit to the agency today.

EPA Moves to Cut Toxic Air Pollution from Coal Plants

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency today proposed to strengthen its Mercury and Air Toxics Standards to cut pollution from power plants that burn coal and oil, enhancing air quality and better protecting public health. 

World Bank Now Can Commit to Leading on Climate Finance

Press ReleaseInternational
WASHINGTON, D.C. – World Bank President David Malpass is stepping down, a move called for by NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) and others because of Malpass’s insufficient commitment to address climate change.

EPA Aims $27 Billion Climate Fund Toward Disadvantaged Communities

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a significant step forward implementing the portion of the Inflation Reduction Act devoted to spending, the Environmental Protection Agency is issuing guidance today on its Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GHGRF), announcing it will hold two grant…

PA General Assembly Passes Flawed Tax Credit Bill

Press ReleasePennsylvania
HARRISBURG, PA - Today the General Assembly passed HB 1059, a bill that establishes and expands several state tax credits, some of which would benefit highly speculative petrochemical facilities and the fracked gas industry without regard for Pennsylvania’s environment, community…

Groups Urge World Bank to “Sharply Increase” Climate Investment & Action

Press ReleaseInternational
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Leading organizations have delivered a 5-point reform plan to World Bank Group leaders urging a sharp increase in its financing for climate action. The plan includes increased funding for climate protection and adaptation, supporting and delivering climate…

Green Banks: Part of Climate Solution & More Resilient Communities

Press ReleaseUnited States, New York City
NEW YORK — The new Inflation Reduction Act is poised to make major investments across the country and in disadvantaged communities to more equitably spur development of green technologies that reduce or avoid climate pollution, according to participants at a…

EPA Sets Timetable for Curbing Leaks of Climate-Warming HFCs

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Under an agreement announced today, the Environmental Protection Agency has agreed to a timeline for implementing a congressional mandate to issue federal standards curbing leaks of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), super-potent climate-warming chemicals used in industrial and commercial refrigeration…

Climate Change is a Financial Risk

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON – The Securities and Exchange Commission proposed new rules today that will require public companies to disclose the risks they face due to climate change.