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+86 10 5927 0688
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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 1 - 20 of 212

Multi-Hundred Million Dollar Clean-Up of Penobscot River Begins

Press ReleaseMaine
The court-appointed Trustee directing work to remediate mercury in the Penobscot River Estuary has announced thirteen Beneficial Environmental Projects (BEPs) that will receive funding to begin delivering tangible benefits to affected communities and ecosystems.

U.S. and Kenya Partner on Climate and International Financial Reform 

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON — President Biden today hosted President Ruto of Kenya for a State Visit to announce strengthened commitments and cooperation on climate, debt reform and other priority issues. President Ruto is elevating the leadership from both Kenya as well as…

Colorado Sets National Example by Restoring Wetlands Protections

Press ReleaseDenver
The Colorado General Assembly has demonstrated national leadership by being the first state in the nation to pass legislation restoring protections for tens of thousands of acres of wetlands and streams that were put at risk after a Supreme Court…

SEC Financial Disclosure Rule is Good for Investors

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON – The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted today to issue a new rule requiring companies to disclose financial risks related to climate change.

House Lawmakers Unveil Bill to Restore Key Clean Water Act Protections

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON – More than 100 members of the House of Representatives announced a bill today to restore federal protections for rivers, wetlands, streams and other essential water bodies. The Clean Water Act of 2023 would reinstate safeguards the Supreme Court dismantled…

EPA Ensures States, Tribes Can Protect Their Waterways from Harm

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency finalized a rule today that restores the ability of states and authorized Tribes to weigh in on federally permitted projects that could pollute or harm their waters, and to limit their adverse impacts. EPA…

Biden Administration to Cancel Arctic Refuge Oil and Gas Leases

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON – The Biden administration canceled Trump-era leases for oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, eliminating an imminent threat to drill within the refuge’s 1.6-million-acre Coastal Plain.

Biden Should Veto Clean Water Act CRA

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON — Today, 53 Senators attacked the Clean Water Act by passing a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution. The measure would overturn the Biden Administration’s Clean Water Restoration rule and prevent any future administration from issuing similar protections. 

World Bank Now Can Commit to Leading on Climate Finance

Press ReleaseInternational
WASHINGTON, D.C. – World Bank President David Malpass is stepping down, a move called for by NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) and others because of Malpass’s insufficient commitment to address climate change.

EPA Aims $27 Billion Climate Fund Toward Disadvantaged Communities

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a significant step forward implementing the portion of the Inflation Reduction Act devoted to spending, the Environmental Protection Agency is issuing guidance today on its Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GHGRF), announcing it will hold two grant…