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+86 10 5927 0688
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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 161 - 180 of 341

NRDC Celebrates 30 Years of Environmental Victories in Southern California

Press Release
LOS ANGELES – This month, NRDC’s Los Angeles office celebrates 30 years of protecting Southern California’s natural habitats, communities, and resources. California has been at the vanguard of environmental policy for decades, passing first-of-its-kind policies that have served as models…

Wheeler’s Record on Protecting Public Health Is Abysmal

Press Release
The Senate today is moving to confirm former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler to be administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, replacing Scott Pruitt who resigned last year under a cloud of ethics breaches.

Groups seek court order blocking Atlantic Seismic Blasting

Press Release
Charleston, SC — A group of conservation organizations today asked a federal judge to block the start of harmful seismic airgun blasting in the Atlantic Ocean until the case can be fully heard in court.

Wheeler Should Not be Promoted at EPA

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works is holding a confirmation hearing today on the nomination of Andrew Wheeler to be administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The former coal lobbyist has been acting administrator since…

Wheeler’s Acts to Protect Polluters Shouldn’t be Rewarded

Press Release
WASHINGTON – President Trump today nominated Andrew Wheeler to be administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. The former coal lobbyist has been acting administrator since former EPA chief Scott Pruitt resigned under an ethical cloud last July.

Lawsuit Attacks Michigan’s Lead Drinking Water Protections

Press Release
LANSING, MI – In a lawsuit filed yesterday, cities and water utilities seek to invalidate Michigan’s Lead and Copper Rule, which established the most protective lead standardin the nation. Detroit’s Mayor Duggan and Oakland County Commissioner Jim Nash are leading…

Trump to Move to Increase Water Pollution

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Trump Administration will propose today to gut key safeguards in the Clean Water Act. The Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers are set to issue a proposed rule that would exempt oil drillers, industrial sites…